Friday, November 2, 2012

Stitch Fix

Happy Friday Everyone!

I just received my first email from Stitch Fix and I cannot wait until my first shipment on November 28th!

Stitch Fix is a newer website, that sends you three of the latest trends and best new brands delivered right to your doorstep! Much like Birchbox there is a little bit of a wait before you can officially start receiving shipments. There are three steps:

1. Pick your preferences of clothes, jewelry and accessories.
2. Receive your shipment
3. Try on and decide what you'd like to keep!

For just a $20 shipment fee you can have new clothes catered to your preferences in just a few weeks! It's a great outlet to try out new clothes that you might not get to find in-stores. Go ahead and sign up ladies!

For the men, feel free to check out Trunk Club and support my friend Teresa!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. oooo I need to check this out!!!
